#Muslim-American leaders

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Los Angeles Times
3 weeks ago
Left-wing politics

Hollywood mega-donor Haim Saban slams Biden's decision to halt weapons shipment to Israel

Mega-donor criticizes Biden's weapon hold for Israel, sparking controversy. [ more ]
1 month ago
Left-wing politics

Meet the Palestinian American Doctor Who Walked Out of a Meeting With Joe Biden

The White House canceled a planned Ramadan dinner due to Muslim American leaders' refusal over arming Israel.
Palestinian American physician walked out of a meeting with Biden, warning of a 'bloodbath' due to continued US backing of Israel. [ more ]
6 months ago
Black Lives Matter

US Muslims pledge to ditch Biden in 2024 over his stance on Israel-Gaza war

Muslim American leaders in key states launch #AbandonBiden campaign over his refusal to call for ceasefire in Gaza.
Opposition from Muslim and Arab American populations could pose a challenge to Biden's Electoral College prospects in upcoming election. [ more ]
New York Post
6 months ago
US politics

Muslim-American voter group vows to 'Abandon Biden' over Gaza war

Muslim-American leaders from swing states launch campaign to remove President Biden due to his support for Israel in its conflict with Hamas.
The campaign aims to turn Muslim voters away from the Democratic party in the 2024 election. [ more ]
New York Post
6 months ago
Left-wing politics

Biden apologized to Muslim-American leaders for questioning death toll from Hamas-linked org: report

President Biden apologized to Muslim-American leaders for questioning the Palestinian death toll reported by Gaza Ministry of Health.
Biden expressed disappointment in himself and vowed to do better during a meeting with Muslim American leaders.
Prominent Democrats have criticized Biden's response to the conflict in Gaza. [ more ]
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